Returning to Running (part 6)

Load and Impact Management Assessment -

In order to return to running - the postnatal mother needs to achieve the following without pain, heaviness, dragging or incontinence:

  • Walking 30 minutes

  • Single leg balance 10 seconds each side

  • Single leg squats 10x each side

  • Jog in spot 1 minute

  • Forward bounds x10

  • Hop in place 10x each leg

  • Single leg “running man” - opposite arm and hip flexion/extension with bent knee 10x each side.

This may be videoed to test and retest and assess how well movements can be performed. Running analysis is also beneficial to evaluate whether there are little movements that can be isolated for improved patterning and strengthening.


Careful Considerations

RED-S - this was previously known as the female Triad Syndrome and stands for Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. Postnatal women are at increased risk for stress fractures, pelvic floor dysfunction, and fertility issues. (see references in the guidelines). This basically happens when there is too much energy spent and not enough fuel going back into the body. Daily demands like breastfeeding, social stressors of having to “look” a certain way, poor sleep/nutrition, and unrealistic expectations may lead to this syndrome.

It is important to screen for this and we need to be aware as professionals as do our athletes (YOU!!).

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