What's a Doula??
I recently met a new friend at the Nashville Birth Collective for a Panel discussion on “what to do when you’re birth plan flies out of the window.” This collective aims to connect members in the Birth Community that help and facilitate births and the recovery process afterwards. We are of a variety of backgrounds - Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Doulas, Midwives, counselors, fitness instructors, nutritionists, and even photographers - and our goal is to support moms throughout pregnancy, delivery and the time afterwards.
Meet Ema Balos of Empower Birthing Doula Services. Ema and I spoke at the event and I just really wanted her to share her story as well as help us understand what a Doula is. She has written this piece just for us and I appreciate her effort and time very much! I personally had no idea about a Doula with either of my children. I believe now, I would have taken advantage of this service and I want you to know about it too! If you are looking for support or are curious what she can do for you…please reach out!
She is even offering a free consult by visiting ebdoula.com. AND a special holiday offer of $75 off doula services visit ebdoula.com (Offer valid thorough January 1, 2020). Here we go…
You’re a Doula, What’s That?
We’re all familiar with OBGYNs, nurses, midwives as part of the support team for an expecting mom, but have you ever heard of the term DOULA? I gave birth to my son in a birthing center all natural, I heard the word ‘doula’ floating around the office during my prenatal visits, even met one or two doula’s during my pregnancy but never really gave it much consideration. I figured between my midwife, my husband, my birth class and the stack of pregnancy and birthing books I was set for a successful birth. Flash forward seven years and three babies later and I am a birth doula offering women the very service I didn’t give a second thought to during my first pregnancy.
What changed you ask?
Despite all my grand efforts to prepare for my first labor and delivery I still ended up getting through that first birth like a deer in headlights: fearful and overwhelmed. Despite my team of midwives and birth assistants, I did not receive the support I desperately needed or expected in those long 24 hours of labor. My husband was absolutely wonderful and didn’t leave my side the entire time but he was walking through this for the first time and lacked experience. I didn’t have someone experienced, educated, and trained to reassure me and guide me in those moments I needed it most. I had a healthy beautiful baby boy in my arms yet was left with a sting of sadness at the overall experience of birth.
With my second pregnancy I was determined to have a better experience. I changed care providers and found the support I really needed. Equipped with a new team that I felt safe and comfortable with I was able to have a beautiful birth. I welcomed my daughter into a peaceful, warm, and secure space with the guidance and support of a wonderful midwife and doula. These women will forever be my heroes; their faith and confidence in me and the birth process along with their experience made me feel so equipped and empowered to birth my baby.
You’re a Doula, What’s that?
Written by Ema Balos of Empower Birthing Doula Services.
So, what’s a Doula?
A doula comes along an expecting mom as that trusted expert ‘friend’ you can count on for advice, insight, understanding, and reassurance during your pregnancy, labor and delivery. Through a robust training and certification process doula’s take numerous classes, workshops, and seminars. A doula completes a full curriculum of study on pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum culminating with a certification exam. Doulas are often mentored by other doulas and midwives and attend several births as part of becoming certified. This equips each doula with the extensive knowledge base she needs to guide and support moms.
Throughout pregnancy your doula is there at anytime to answer questions or guide you to resources. When you are experiencing a pregnancy symptom, have over-googled it and freaked yourself out, your doula will be there to normalize your experience or confirm your concerns. When you’re experiencing insomnia and overcome by feelings of uncertainty and fear for your upcoming labor, your doula will be there with a listening ear, reminders of your innate ability to birth and the practical tips that will bolster your confidence.
During labor your doula will be the constant continuous presence offering a secure and safe space for you to labor. She will be the person who will look you in the eyes in your most intense moments of labor and exude confidence, courage, and understanding. The person who will offer just the right ‘next thing’ when you are feeling stuck. She the one that provides you with the exact gentle touch or affirming words you need to propel you forward and strengthen you.
After birth, your doula will show up and relive the moments of your birth with you. She will listen to you retell the story of your birth: remembering the good, the hard and the powerful moments of your labor. She will celebrate your courage, strength and victory. She will empathise with you in as you share the ways labor may have gone in unexpected ways.
Overall, the emotional support and expert knowledge a doula offers are invaluable to helping you have a beautiful birth experience. In fact, research affirms the benefits of a doula as helping shorten labor, reduce interventions and offer an overall better and more positive birth experience.
A special thank you to Ema for her description. I would even say they do more than what she just explained. There are several other groups out there. I would even say, that there is someone specific to everyone. Ema was gracious enough to allow me to use her story and share what she does. Please let me know or reach out to her if you have any other questions!
Meet Ema Balos
Empowered Birthing Doula Services
Currently offering a free consult by visiting ebdoula.com. AND a special holiday offer of $75 off doula services visit ebdoula.com (Offer valid thorough January 1, 2020).