Did you know that 1:3 of women have pelvic floor dysfunction? Did you know around half of us do not even do a “Kegel” correctly? No wonder you’re not getting better solo! You need a team and you need someone to give you a kickstart.

I see you.

Frustrated with the process yet knowing that time is what we need. But how much time is too much time to wait until we decide to seek help?

To my Mamas out there:

We need to help each other. We need to depend on each other. I want to help you. If you feel frustrated with the answers you are getting (or lack there of) from doctors, friends or even within your own head, please reach out. The most common issues are ones that, if we are taught to manage, can resolve or significantly improve.

Oh. So, you don’t have common issues?

  • You have full control of your bladder and never leak even with coughing or sneezing?

  • You can box jump, jumprope, lunge, and squat without limitation?

  • You can jump on a trampoline without even thinking about it or feeling like your insides are going to fall out?

  • You can engage in intercourse without pain, frustration and reach climax pleasurably?

  • You don’t have a bulge with curls ups in our abdomen or a belly pouch and feel your core is at its best?

  • Your C-section scar or perineal scar or tear from delivery is not painful?

  • Your back never hurts?

  • Your posture is pristine?

  • You can have a bowel movement without bearing down or straining?

  • So you think you’ll just watch a few videos and get it all by yourself right?

OH…those “issues” are the common issues I’m talking about?

Well, yes!

That’s what I am trained to help you conquer. Physical therapy is so much more than just Kegels with women’s health related issues. Contact me and lets see how much we can change your life!

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